Burger success for Buckhaven butchers

W F Stark won awards for its special products.W F Stark won awards for its special products.
W F Stark won awards for its special products.
A Buckhaven butchers has struck gold after receiving several awards for its special products for the upcoming summer season.

The Craft Butcher Awards held an evaluation for beefburgers, speciality burgers and own cured bacon which were judged at Forth Valley College, Stirling, earlier this month.

And W F Stark enjoyed success at the awards, collecting a gold for its Triple Burger and silver for its Beefburger, Pork, Spring Onion Burger, Middle Bacon and Gigot Bacon.

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Paul Boyle, president of the Scottish Craft Butchers, said: “These evaluations always reveals really appealing products that craft butchers make and sell.

“The diverse range of interesting products come as a response to customer becoming more adventurous with their tastes and they are always keen to support local businesses who make innovative quality products.

“It is always worth going the extra mile for something extra special.”