Langtoun entrepreneurs hitting the high spots!

Susan and Donna with some of their work. Pic: FPASusan and Donna with some of their work. Pic: FPA
Susan and Donna with some of their work. Pic: FPA
Two budding Kirkcaldy entrepreneurs are enjoying a taste of the high life since starting up their art prints and interiors business just nine months ago.

Susan Warner and Donna Caira started We Are Amused in February, combining their talents of home interiors and fine art photography to produce a series of quirky prints which are currently being sold in prestigious outlets including Liberty in London and online at Rockett St George.

And they are preparing to wow a more local clientele when they host a pop up shop at Kirkcaldy Galleries from December 8-11.

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Susan explained: “When we met just over 18 months ago we recognised we had a mutual passion for interiors and homewares. Donna already had an interiors business and I had started a fine art photography business. We felt combining our talents would provide us with confidence in what we do and also be more fun building something together than going it alone.

“We aim to set up a website to sell our prints to an international audience as well as having a presence locally. We would like to bridge the gap between art and interiors.

“We are light hearted in our approach to things, hence our name We are Amused. Our main aim is to come up with contemporary ideas with an edge that make an impact or statement. We often find our creativity stems from things around us for example we have prints of “blossom” from the Beveridge Park.

“We design and photograph all our work ourselves and a large part of our business is styling our prints for our growing social media platform. All our prints are printed locally at Multiprint.

“We envisage developing our brand to encompass other lifestyle products with a view to creating an online store and perhaps even a concept showroom locally.”

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