Coronavirus: Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon 2020 cancelled

Organisers have called off this year's Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon which was due to take place in August. Pic: George McLuskie.Organisers have called off this year's Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon which was due to take place in August. Pic: George McLuskie.
Organisers have called off this year's Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon which was due to take place in August. Pic: George McLuskie.
Organisers of this year’s Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon have decided to call off this year’s event due to the ongoing health crisis.

The decision to cancel the Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon on Sunday, August 30 was revealed yesterday (Thursday) in a post on the event’s Facebook page.

In a statement it said: “The KPHM Committee have unanimously agreed to cancel the 2020 running of the event.

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“Given the current situation there was only really one safe sensible option. We could have postponed the launch AND the race and tried to squeeze it in towards the end of the year.

“This however would have put increased pressure on basically every single component of the event organisation.

“We have respected all the races and events that are normally scheduled towards the end of the year AND ALSO all the races and events that have already launched, received entrants and have committed money towards various aspects of their event that are now struggling to find slots towards the end of the year.

“We wish all our KPHM family a safe Spring and Summer and hopefully we will all be back racing again in the Autumn, if not before.”

Organisers added they had every intention of staging the event again in 2021.