Glenrothes postie hailed a hero after helping save man’s life

Postman Darren McLeod who helped save the life of a seriously ill man.Postman Darren McLeod who helped save the life of a seriously ill man.
Postman Darren McLeod who helped save the life of a seriously ill man.
A Glenrothes postie has been hailed a hero after saving the life of a customer while out on delivery.

Darren McLeod was out on delivery when he was asked by a teenage boy to assist his dad. The man had fallen from a stair ladder and had seriously injured himself.

Darren stayed with him talking to him and asking him to stay still, while his son phoned for an ambulance.

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However, a few moments later, the man stopped breathing and his lips started to turn blue so Darren immediately started CPR. The paramedics arrived around 15 minutes later and Darren has since been told that between himself and the man’s son, they saved his life.

The patient has made a good recovery after an operation, which involved fitting a device to kickstart his heart should it fail again in the future.

Darren was delighted when he found out the man was making a good recovery.

A Royal Mail spokesman said: “We’re very proud of Darren and his quick thinking actions in helping a resident while out on his daily delivery. Royal Mail’s postmen and women are out in the community six days a week, delivering to around 30 million addresses across the UK every day.

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“Darren’s actions demonstrate exactly why our postmen and postwomen are such highly valued members of their local communities.”

Darren’s wife said: “Darren was a bit withdrawn and quiet after the incident, The thank you card we received had us all in tears.

“I am beyond proud of him. Postmen and women are so committed out in all weathers, but to save a life is something really special, something unforgettable.”