‘Overwhelming’ response to mental health film shot in Fife

The cast and crew of Cold.  Picture by Alexander Henderson.The cast and crew of Cold.  Picture by Alexander Henderson.
The cast and crew of Cold. Picture by Alexander Henderson.
A short film exploring depression at Christmas time premiered in Kirkcaldy last week to help raise funds for a local mental health support service.

Cold, which was produced and partially filmed in Fife by Kirkcaldy-based MidgieBite Media, was shown to a full house at the Kings Live Lounge on Friday.

Chelsea Graham and Ross Reilly were on site fundraising for mental health drop-in café, Sam’s Café – a project by the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) hosted locally at the Linton Lane Centre.

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Gavin Hugh, founder of MidgieBite Media, said: “It was a fantastic evening and the response to the film has been overwhelming. We’ve had a great turnout and we’re delighted with the feedback.

“Something I hadn’t expected was the number of people who’ve gotten in touch after the premiere to share personal stories about their own struggles at Christmas time.

“I’m genuinely delighted that the film has connected with so many people who have been able to relate to it.

“We always hoped that the film would be a conversation starter. Hopefully ‘Cold’ encourages more people to be aware of the mental health challenges that so many people can go through at this time of year.”

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Cold stars Rowan Birkett and was written and directed by Gavin Hugh.

The cast includes Fifers Hana Mackenzie, Craig Seath, Andrew Gourlay, Iain Leslie, Christina Strachan, Sam Birrell, Nicola Patrick, Stephanie Robertson and Benjamin Ferguson - as well as Dundonian Grant R Keelan.

Following the screening, a special Q&A session was held with cast and crew by Lawrie Brewster of local film studio Hex Media. Catering for the evening was provided by Koku Shi.

‘Cold’ began filming in November 2018 and was filmed throughout Scotland – including in Kirkcaldy.

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Earlier this year, the team raised £1150 through the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo to support the film, with contributions coming from as far as the United States, Greece and Norway.

The film was supported with help from Kirkcaldy businesses Kangus Coffee Shop, My Cherry Pie and Revolution Barbershop as well as the University of Dundee Kirkcaldy campus.

MidgieBite Media plans to release the full film online in time for Christmas, with further screening events throughout Scotland currently being discussed.