Angel charms made by Fife women give local charities a cash injection

From left: Lorna Wallace, Gillian Keddie, Laura Campbell (CHAS), Thelma Duncan, Alison Orr and Nova Gamble.From left: Lorna Wallace, Gillian Keddie, Laura Campbell (CHAS), Thelma Duncan, Alison Orr and Nova Gamble.
From left: Lorna Wallace, Gillian Keddie, Laura Campbell (CHAS), Thelma Duncan, Alison Orr and Nova Gamble.
Children's charity CHAS has received a £400 cash boost last thanks to Whimsy Fife, a group of local women who volunteer their time to make jewellery and angel charms for local charities.

This year, Whimsy has raised funds for CHAS, Queen Margaret Hospice, The Poppy Appeal, Macmillan Cancer, Maggie’s, Circle of Comfort and it has supported many other small causes. The members are now set to reach their target of £600 for Kirkcaldy Hospice.

The volunteers raised the funds for CHAS by selling their ‘Isabella Angels’ with the support of the local community, notably local businesswomen Nova Gamble.

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Alison Orr, founder of Whimsy, said: “Without Nova allowing us to sell the angels at her business, Novellis, and Sands, a Place by the Sea in Aberdour, we would never have reached this amount so quickly. The support from customers has been unprecedented”.

The angels were named after Burntisland woman, Isabel Muir, who bravely fought but sadly lost her battle with cancer in August and was a key supporter of Whimsy.

Nova Gamble said: “The Isabella angels are a beautiful tribute to Isabel and are very popular with our customers. They make a lovely gift and we are proud to support this group, who ensure that all funds raised go directly to local charities.

Whimsy angels are £1 each and available from Novellis, Sands a Place by the Sea in Aberdour, Vintage Beauty Lounge, High street, Kirkcaldy and Uptown Girl, Cowdenbeath. Larger angels are also available, which make stunning Christmas tree decorations.