Duncan (71) to take on bungee for Fife museum

Duncan McIntosh will raise money for the Fisheries Museum Anstruther, and the Reaper vessel by taking part in a bungee jump at Killiecrankie in Pitlochry.Duncan McIntosh will raise money for the Fisheries Museum Anstruther, and the Reaper vessel by taking part in a bungee jump at Killiecrankie in Pitlochry.
Duncan McIntosh will raise money for the Fisheries Museum Anstruther, and the Reaper vessel by taking part in a bungee jump at Killiecrankie in Pitlochry.
A pensioner will plunge 130ft from a Pitlochry bridge next month to raise money for a cause close to his heart.

An avid volunteer at the Scottish Fisheries Museum boat club in Anstruther, 71-year-old Duncan McIntosh will take part in a bungee jump to help raise money desperately needed by the club.

Emergency services rushed to Johnshaven harbour in Aberdeenshire recently after a gust of wind caused the famous Reaper – maintained by the Scottish Fisheries Museum in Anstruther – to keel over.

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Four members of the public were on board at the time, and one crew member had to be taken to hospital. Despite their best efforts, a salvage crew had to be called in to stabilise her on Sunday.

John McBeath said: “The damage to the Reaper definitely will put a strain on resources. The boat is currently afloat again and is undergoing repairs but we don’t yet know the extent of the damage or the cost of repairs. It is doubtless, however, that the money needed is going to impact on our current funds significantly.”

Duncan, who travels , from his home in Edinburgh three times a week to volunteer at the club, says it is important now more than ever to get as much funding as possible. “I have put up a target of £2000 and I am really hoping to reach that.

“The bungee jump was a birthday gift, so everything made from it will go towards the club.”

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Duncan, who is a joiner, was looking for something to do with his time following retirement. “I have always been interested in the sea and boats and I have enjoyed every minute of it – it’s a much better use of my time than staying at home watching Jeremy Kyle!”

He has been volunteering in Anstruther for eight months and brings vital skills to the club. He said: “I am the new kid on the block! We’re working on the restoration of a 30 footer and I think my skills do come in handy.”

The club maintains two historic fishing vessels in a seaworthy condition – the White Wing and the Reaper.

They are crewed and maintained by a team of dedicated volunteers who work hard to maintain the Scottish Fisheries Museum boats and give up their spare time to crew on an outreach programme of visits to various ports around the country.

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Following the recent damage to the Reaper, demands on dwindling funds are greater than ever and Duncan will dive into fundraising by taking part in the Highland Fling bungee jump near Pitlochry on September 2.

He will jump off a bungee platform suspended below the Garry Bridge over the River Garry, near to the famous site of the Battle of Killiecrankie.

To donate, visit www.crowdfunding.justgiving.com/duncansjump.