Fife broadcaster Edith Bowman's tips on coping with lockdown as a parent

Edith BowmanEdith Bowman
Edith Bowman
‘Be kind to yourselves’

Fife broadcaster Edith Bowman has endorsed a plea to parents and carers to look after themselves as they cope with extra pressure during the coronavirus pandemic.

She spoke in support of the Scottish Government’s Parent Club ‘Here For You’ campaign.

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Edith, who grew up in Anstruther, shared her own journey as a mother of two boys – aged seven and 11— throughout the pandemic, and gave her top tips around juggling work and home schooling on social media.

She spoke about the importance of parents taking a break and not putting too much pressure on themselves.

Edith’s tips for parents included:

·Be kind to yourself and others

·Don’t expect to get everything right all the time

·Get some exercise, even a wee stroll

·Find something to make you laugh

The advice was met with many positive comments from her followers and other parents who shared their own struggles and expressed how relatable and comforting they found Edith’s posts.

Edith said: “Parenting is tough at the best of times and now more than ever juggling schooling, work and everything else is extremely challenging. It is important to remember that we are all in this together and this experience is also new to everyone.

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“I want to encourage parents to be kind to themselves, ensure they are rested and continue taking things one day at a time.”

Whether it’s trying to support the kids’ learning while working from home or keeping on top of the housework and trying to keep the kids entertained and fed, there’s a lot to deal with.

“Parent Club is a digital information resource, support hub and online community offering practical advice and support for parents and carers across Scotland. From mental health advice, tips for play and learning at home, keeping active and eating well to talking to your kids about coronavirus, advice comes from the trusted voices of other parents and is backed by experts and the Scottish Government.

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Allan Crow, Editor, Fife Free Press