Jackie closing in on dream of one final album ...

Jackie StorrarJackie Storrar
Jackie Storrar
The heartwarming response to a country music star's plea for help has brought Jackie Storrar one step closer to achieving her dream.

Diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2013, she has set her heart on recording a final album with husband Steve Thiebault as a legacy to their love.

But, with considerable costs involved and Steve caring full-time for Jackie, they have asked for public support to help make the album, the profits of which will go to Maggie’s Cancer Fife.

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“It is exciting!” said Jackie. “Two weeks ago it was a dream and now we’re talking about making it happen.

“With the help of the lovely generous public who have contributed some overwhelming pledges it is becoming a reality and we have started trying to narrow down a song list.”

Jackie believes the support they have received so far – some £2000 towards the £10,000 target – is because the story is real.

People are reading my story as it’s unfolding, they are able to follow it and feel they have played a part in it.”

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Although an emotional process Jackie is determined to get in the studio as soon as possible.

“Trying to choose songs is difficult and I have been finding it really emotional because each one now takes on a very different meaning.”

Jackie’s continued zest for life and remarkable character shines through as she considers the process to be cathartic.

“There is a lot of emotion that has built up in the last two years.

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‘‘I have been so busy fighting every day that sometimes I don’t always let the emotion come out,” laughed Jackie.

“They say the camera doesn’t lie but the microphone doesn’t either.

‘‘It can feel your soul.”

It is not only the public that has rallied to make Jackie’s dream a reality but also fellow musicians.

Joining the line-up is well known Fife guitarist Willie Logan, pedal steel player Tony Ellington, bass player Mike Nicols, Pete Lair on keyboard, and Kerry Moss has reached out from Canada.

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“I don’t need a drummer as I have the best one available in my husband!” Jackie said.

“Willie was on my last album and is a fantastic guitarist.

‘‘ I am very privileged to have Tony on board and Mike was there at the beginning.

‘‘He was the bass player in the very first band I was in when I met Steve and now he’ll be here at the last.”

Friend Stuart Prentice who set up www.crowdfunder.co.uk/jackies-dream is also undertaking an unusual fundraiser - a charity ghost hunt in Edinburgh on Saturday.

To donate after the close of the crowdfunding page on February 4 contact Jackie by email at [email protected]

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