Kirkcaldy all set for its biggest race in 27 years this weekend

Some of the volunteers and committee members of Kirkcaldy Half Marathon which takes place this Sunday. Pic: George McLuskie.Some of the volunteers and committee members of Kirkcaldy Half Marathon which takes place this Sunday. Pic: George McLuskie.
Some of the volunteers and committee members of Kirkcaldy Half Marathon which takes place this Sunday. Pic: George McLuskie.
All the basic preparations have been done and organisers are ready to go ahead with the first half marathon to be held in Kirkcaldy for 27 years.

Town councillor Alistair Cameron, who has been part of the organising team for the big event, told The Press it has been a learning curve for the committee.

He said: “We have made things difficult for ourselves at times because we didn’t know the procedures. But certainly when we come to next year, it will be a lot easier because we have had to deal with them this year.

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“But that is just part of the learning curve. As far as this week is concerned, we are ready to go and it looks like we are going to have good weather on Sunday.”

Councillor Alistair Cameron, who has been part of the team getting the event up and running, with one of the road closure signs which can be seen at various areas across the town.Councillor Alistair Cameron, who has been part of the team getting the event up and running, with one of the road closure signs which can be seen at various areas across the town.
Councillor Alistair Cameron, who has been part of the team getting the event up and running, with one of the road closure signs which can be seen at various areas across the town.

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Kirkcaldy Half Marathon - Organisers unveiling the banner earlier this year for the 2019 race event in Beveridge Park.

Cllr Cameron said the committee has had amazing support: “We have had great help from Fife Council, in particular from Julie Dickson, at the communities team, along with Gillian Love from the licensing team.”

He said the biggest tasks will be on the day in the park and with the road closures: “This is where the marshals will come into their own,” he explained.

“We have 200 marshals on the day and we will need every single one of them both in the park – for example: looking after the bags in a storage area for the runners and helping out at the registration tables – and on the main roads across the town.”

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He said the committee is still looking for volunteers to man the main roads between Asda in Kirkcaldy, the harbour, and Dysart: “Although we have 200+ volunteers we could still do with a few more.

“The volunteers are every bit as important as the athletes because without the volunteers, we don’t have an event. It is as simple as that.”

Cllr Cameron appealed to townsfolk to be patient on the day. “If people need to leave their premises to go somewhere, if they could do so early or postpone it until after the race that would be appreciated.

“We know we are going to disrupt some people from around 9.30am to early afternoon and we know it is an inconvenience, but we are asking them to bear with us and just allow the event to pass.

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“I hope most people will understand and will come out to cheer on the runners.”

He added: “We want everyone involved in the half marathon to enjoy the day. The town is really really looking forward to this.”

Allan Harley, Kirkcaldy Parks Half Marathon event director, said: “This will be a tremendous event for Kirkcaldy and the committee have worked tirelessly to ensure the race goes smoothly.

“They, and their partner agencies, have done their best to ensure that the event shows Kirkcaldy at its best, whilst minimising the inconvenience to the community.

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“I’m sure the event will run smoothly and would encourage residents to cheer the runners as they pass.”

Any runners who haven’t yet done so can pick up their race packs from Morton Running Company in the town today (Thursday) from noon-7pm, tomorrow (Friday) from 11am-6pm and from Beveridge Park Bowling Club on Saturday from 10.30-noon.

To volunteer on the day email: [email protected]