Largo school praised for digital work in inspector report

From left: Iris West P7, Libby Smith P7, Ben Michie P6 and Chisamalo Makiyi P6 who have been using GLOW as part of their digital learning at Kirkton of Largo Primary.From left: Iris West P7, Libby Smith P7, Ben Michie P6 and Chisamalo Makiyi P6 who have been using GLOW as part of their digital learning at Kirkton of Largo Primary.
From left: Iris West P7, Libby Smith P7, Ben Michie P6 and Chisamalo Makiyi P6 who have been using GLOW as part of their digital learning at Kirkton of Largo Primary.
A Largo school has been praised for its '˜rich and creative learning experiences' and digital learning practice for children.

The positive comments about Kirkton of Largo Primary were made by HM Inspectors who visited the school recently after it was selected for a two-and-a-half day short notice inspection.

The inspectors noted the school’s key strengths which included: very well-behaved, capable children who can work independently and take responsibility for their learning; staff who work successfully as a team to provide high-quality, rich and creative learning experiences for children; the youngsters’ very good attainment in literacy and numeracy; the caring supportive an inclusive ethos of the school and the outstanding leadership of the headteacher, Catherine Cunningham.

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The inspectors particularly mentioned the outstanding progress being made in digital learning.

Catherine Cunningham, headteacher, said: “We were very pleased to have been selected for a two and a half day, short notice inspection as it gave us the opportunity to share the work we do in school on a daily basis.

“Kirkton of Largo has a very strong staff team who work together to provide high quality, rich and creative learning experiences for our pupils. We were delighted that, in the time available to them, HMI saw many of our strengths in action and were able to share these in their letter to parents.”

Areas for improvement included continuing with plans to further develop the curriculum.

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She added: “We enjoyed the opportunity to engage in professional dialogue and discuss improvements we are working on to take the school forward.”

Sadie Cushley, HM Inspector at Education Scotland, was involved in the recent inspection of Kirkton of Largo Primary School.

She said: “Throughout our visit we identified interesting practice in digital learning that is to be commended. Of note, was the fact all children were learning to use code (writing a computer programme) and it was encouraging to see children demonstrate their skills.”

She added: “We look forward to working with the school and Fife Council to share the practice widely.”