Agreement reached over demolition of old Kirkcaldy power station

Mrs Josephs outside the former power stationMrs Josephs outside the former power station
Mrs Josephs outside the former power station
A former Kirkcaldy power station, which has become an overgrown eyesore, is a step nearer to disappearing after agreement was reached on salvaging some of its features.

The building’s Manchester-based owner says she is delighted that she can now press ahead with plans to develop the important site on Victoria Road and bring jobs to the town.

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Owner’s bid to remove eyesore

Diana Josephs, managing director of United Investment Co, praised the Fife Free Press for helping to speed up the process to demolish the dangerous building which has a massive crack down its back wall and has become a regular target for youngsters building fires.

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“I am delighted with the planners decision which will now allow us to take the necessary steps to have the former power station demolished and, at long last, resolve the future of the site,” she said.

“After so many years the building has become an eyesore, and the redevelopment of the site will be good for the area and good for Kirkcaldy.

“I want to thank everyone who has helped make this happen, not least the Press which has kept it in the public eye.”

Councillor Neil Crooks, chairman of the Kirkcaldy area committee, also urged planners to use their delegated powers to remove the condition relating to salvage which has been holding up development of the site.

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And, following last week’s Press story which revealed the extent of the building’s deterioration and a plea from the owner to dismiss the condition requiring them to spend what she claimed was “an unrealistic sum” on preserving materials from the B-listed building, which supplied electricity to Kirkcaldy’s tram network, a “satisfactory compromise” has been reached.

Pam Ewen, senior planning manager with Fife Council, said: “We now have details of how the applicant will retain and re-use as much of the stone features as possible, which means we’re now in a position to progress the application. The timing of the demolition will be for the owner to consider when the necessary consents are in place.”