Asda opens after McDonald's fire

There was a fire at the McDonald's in Asda. Picture: GoogleThere was a fire at the McDonald's in Asda. Picture: Google
There was a fire at the McDonald's in Asda. Picture: Google
McDonald's in Kirkcaldy's Asda was closed this morning after a fire at the fast food outlet.

Firefighters were called to the giant supermarket on Carberry Road, which also has a branch of McDonald’s inside the building.

Asda opened this morning, however, McDonald’s has been sealed off to the public while the area is cleaned up.

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A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said: “We were alerted at 8.18pm on Wednesday, February 14, to reports of a small fire within a restaurant on Carberry Road, Kirkcaldy.

“Operations Control mobilised a number of appliances to the scene and firefighters extinguished the flames.

“Crews left the scene after ensuring the area was made safe.”