'˜Big cat' caught on video in Fife

A screengrab from the video.A screengrab from the video.
A screengrab from the video.
A woman who filmed what appears to be a big cat creeping through a Fife field has spoken of the moment she saw it.

Sabrina Mahmoud’s sighting of the large black creature near Rosyth is the latest in a string of sightings in the Kingdom.

She said the animal she saw on the hill near Alexander Place was easily around “four-or-five-times” the size of a domestic cat.

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“I was shocked. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” she said.

“I was actually thinking; ‘what the hell am I looking at?’.

“I blinked my eyes a couple of times thinking this can’t be real, because it was so black. I went away and washed my face thinking I was seeing things.

“I ran back, grabbed my phone and it was still there prowling about, so I recorded it.

“I knew it was a large cat. I knew it wasn’t a domestic one. I’ve had domestic cats my whole life but I’ve never seen anything like this.

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“It was huge. I definitely think it was a big wild cat – just the way it was moving about.”

However, Sabrina wasn’t too scared of the animal.

“I’ve never ever read anything about attacks or people being hurt by big cats, so I think maybe it’s just out for rabbits or deer as we do see them running up the back field.

“I don’t want people to go after it because I don’t want this animal hurt. I’m an animal lover

“I don’t think it would have attacked anyone, but some people said I should report it, so I did, to the SSPCA.

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“They came out this morning but they couldn’t find any paw prints as the field’s very very dry so it’as quite hard for them to conclude what type of cat it was but he said it is definitely bigger than a domestic cat.

“What type of cat; I can not say for sure.

And the post went viral, something Sabrina wasn’t expecting.

“It’s crazy. I’m a bit overwhelmed by it all. I didn’t realise people were so into big cats like that.”

Have you seen a big cat on the prowl in Fife? Get in touch at [email protected].