Call for help to promote Kirkcaldy

Adam SmithAdam Smith
Adam Smith
An ambitious new project, part of the Adam Smith Global Foundation, is seeking volunteers who are interested in Kirkcaldy's heritage.

The Adam Smith Birthplace Initiative, which is being developed and implemented by the foundation – set up to recognise the importance of Adam Smith, the great economist who was born in the town – is about to embark on an exciting new phase with the introduction of a new volunteer project.

To advance its role, the initiative is looking to utilise the skills, knowledge, talent and enthusiasm of local people who are interested in helping take to promote it.

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The foundation wants volunteers who have an interest in becoming involved in a number of strands.

These include researching 18th century Kirkcaldy in the context of Adam Smith, the town’s most famous son and becoming one of a team of ambassadors, who will conduct local guided walks in the footsteps of the great moral philosopher and economist.

They also want people to assist visitors in the Heritage Centre at the foot of Adam Smith Close, and anyone who can utilise smart phone and video IT resources to enhance the experience of the Adam Smith story.

Training will be given as required for each of the different roles.

Visit : and follow the volunteering opportunities link.

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