Cardboard cop back on the streets to tackle Upper Largo speeding

PC Lorraine King and the 'cardboard bobby' in Kennoway where the scheme has also been trialled.PC Lorraine King and the 'cardboard bobby' in Kennoway where the scheme has also been trialled.
PC Lorraine King and the 'cardboard bobby' in Kennoway where the scheme has also been trialled.
Police have responded to continuing concerns over speeding traffic through Lundin Links and Upper Largo with a reliable bobby on the beat.

A lifesize cardboard cut out of a police officer will soon be positioned in Lundin Links to deter vehicles from exceeding the 20mph speed limit.

Fife Council agreed to monitor the speed of traffic through Lundin Links to see if the installation of speed bumps was a necessary step.

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Results of the six month trial are yet to be released but Peter Aitken, chairman of Largo Community Council, hopes this measure will help alleviate the problem. He said: “We are waiting to see the results of the speed bump monitoring experiment but the police have agreed to bring the pop-up policeman to Lundin Links as another deterrent. We’ve requested him for Upper Largo too.”

Measures to reduce the speed of traffic in Colinsburgh, Drumeldrie and Lundin Links have left some resdients in Upper Largo – where vehicle speed is an issue – feeling like the ‘forgotten village’.

However, progress at the recent community council meeting has led to assurances that the replica policeman will not only service Lundin Links but also Upper Largo.

Inspector Tom Brown, Levenmouth Police Station said: “Improving road safety and reducing the number of road casualties is one of our top priorities. To assist with this activity, we utilise a life size image of a police officer which provides a visual reminder to motorists to ensure they drive in an appropriate manner.”

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