Charity shows bags of seasonal kindness

Nova Pinfold and Nicki BradwellNova Pinfold and Nicki Bradwell
Nova Pinfold and Nicki Bradwell
A charity that helps women going through tough times has been spreading a little kindness over the Christmas season.

‘Bags of Kindness’ was only set up in May but has already caught the imagination of people throughout north east Fife, Dundee and Perthshire.

The idea is to fill a bag with toiletries and other essentials such as sanitary towels to give to women sleeping rough or experiencing other difficulties.

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It was set up by designer Nicki Bradwell, who’s also a teacher and a busy mum, who saw the donations pouring in after promoting the charity on Facebook.

There are drop-off points throughout the area and partnerships have been formed with Fife Women’s Aid, the Storehouse foodbank in St Andrews and the Dundee-based charity for the homeless, Eagle Wings Trust, where Nicki and her husband Chris volunteered for a number of years and got to know some of the homeless women.

As well as essentials like deodorant and toothpaste, each bag contains a treat such as a lipstick or a bar of chocolate.

The constituency office of North East Fife MP Stephen Gethins in Bonnygate, Cupar, is one of the drop-off points for the charity and just before Christmas over 50 bags were given to Barnardo’s Children Affected by Parental Substance Abuse (CAPSM) team, Dundee Women’s Aid and Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, in Dundee.

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Nicki said: “We are really pleased that so many people have donated the items we need and huge thanks to Stephen Gethins MP for allowing us to use a room of his constituency office to store the bags and toiletries.

“It has been great to have the space to fill the bags and a collection point for the charities which we are donating them too. Many parents are really struggling to afford Christmas and whatever they have often goes on making sure their children have something. We wanted to do something to help women who often have to go without essentials because they can’t afford them.”

Nova Pinfold from Barnardo’s CAPSM teamsaid: “At Christmas time everyone is very generous and we know children are the main focus but it is very rare to get gifts for parents so Bags of Kindness is great.”

“I am very happy we can give Nicki and her friends some space for ‘Bags of Kindness’, said Mr Gethins. This is a great charity which makes a real difference.”