Glenrothes man admitted assaulting partner by repeatedly striking her on the head

The case called at Kirkcaldy Sheriff CourtThe case called at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court
The case called at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court
A Glenrothes man who admitted assaulting his partner by repeatedly striking her on the head and pushing her, has been sentenced to an 18-month Community Payback Order.

Hamdi Labidi, of Cawdor Drive, appeared before Sheriff James Williamson at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court.

Labidi, 34, admitted on January 30, 2021 at an address in Stuart Road, Glenrothes, he assaulted his partner by repeatedly striking her on the head and pushing her on the body.

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Sheriff Williamson sentenced him to a Community Payback Order placing him under supervision for 18 months.

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