Jail threat to repeat sex offender in Fife who ignored court order

Kirkdcaldy Sheriff CourtKirkdcaldy Sheriff Court
Kirkdcaldy Sheriff Court
In the dock after moving out of home address

A repeat sex offender has found himself back in court after moving out of his home address in Glenrothes, breaching a court order.

Andrew Leitch had previously been told he was not allowed to stay at his partner’s home in Methil, but ignored this.

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Leitch appeared back in the dock at Dunfermline Sheriff Court and admitted breaching the conditions of his sentence.

He had been found with indecent images of children - his second such offence - last September.

Leitch, 54, of Montrose Gardens, Glenrothes, was sentenced to a community payback order with three years’ supervision and participation in a groupwork programme.

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He was also placed on the sex offenders register for three years.

He had admitted that between August and October 2018 at his home, he was in possession of indecent photographs of children.

He also admitted that between the same dates he downloaded indecent photographs of children.

When police carried out a search warrant at Leitch’s home, electronic devices were seized and the child porn images found, one involving an infant.

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After initially denying the offences, Leitch later admitted to police he had a sexual interest in children.

Defence solicitor Graham Basten said his client had been staying “on and off” at the Methil address because of health difficulties.

Sheriff Charles Macnair told Leitch, “You knew perfectly well you shouldn’t have been at that address. That had been refused previously for good reasons but you went there anyway. If your family had concerns for your health, they could have moved in with you.”

He fined Leitch £500 and warned him, “If you breach this again it’s very likely you will go to prison.”