Leave my child's grave alone

Rose Morton (22) from Kirkcaldy was disgusted to find out items had been removed from her baby daughte grave.Rose Morton (22) from Kirkcaldy was disgusted to find out items had been removed from her baby daughte grave.
Rose Morton (22) from Kirkcaldy was disgusted to find out items had been removed from her baby daughte grave.
A Kirkcaldy mum has used the anniversary of her five-week-old daughter's death to make an emotional plea for vandals to stop abusing the grave.

Mother-of-four Rose Morton lost her youngest daughter Kacey two years ago to cot death.

Until recently the family regularly tended the grave in Hayfield cemetery without concern, but in the last month mum Rose says items have been scattered, damaged and removed from the the graveside.

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“It’s very upsetting to see Kacey’s grave treated in such a way, it breaks my heart,” Rose told the Press.

“A jar with hearts in it that was placed at the grave has been removed, as have other toys that other family members have placed here.

“It’s been particularly difficult to have to explain to Kacey’s brothers and sisters, the eldest of who is only five, why things have gone missing.

“Have people no respect?”

She says, other families have also reported similar incidents.

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“Lights were damaged on another grave, and others have also experienced damage.

“To want to steal from or damage any grave, let alone a baby’s, is disgusting.”

Ms Morton (22) said she approached a number of youths in the cemetery a week ago, only to receive verbal abuse.

“I went to ask them if they knew anything about the damage and I just faced a barrage of abuse,”said Rose.

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She has now taken to social media to warn others to be vigilant and call for those who see anyone tampering with graves to report it to the police straight away.

The cemetery, which is run and maintained by Fife Council, has not had security measures in place for more than a decade.

Liz Murphy, bereavement officer, said: ”If anyone has discovered any personal items missing from the graves, we urge them to report these thefts to the police.

“By their very nature cemeteries are public places and we feel it’s right that the public should have access to them at any time. For that reason we would try to discourage families from leaving anything of great sentimental or monetary value at gravesides.”