MSP calls for more police during school holidays

David Torrance wants more police in Burntisland over the summer holidays.David Torrance wants more police in Burntisland over the summer holidays.
David Torrance wants more police in Burntisland over the summer holidays.
Kirkcaldy MSP David Torrance has called on police to ensure Burntisland has adequate patrols over the summer holidays, after reports of antisocial behaviour in the town at the weekend.

Now he has asked for a meeting with representatives of Police Scotland to discuss policing in the area.

Mr Torrance said: “As a matter of urgency, I have arranged to meet with Police Scotland to discuss policing in the town and will be seeking assurances that swift and effective action will be taken to prevent any reoccurrence of such incidents.

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“I will also be requesting that additional resources are deployed in Burntisland to curb the ever growing problem of youths gathering in the town and tackle the resultant antisocial behaviour.

“Burntisland is a beautiful town and the local economy relies heavily on its ability to attract large numbers of visitors every year.

“In addition to instilling alarm and anxiety in local residents, this behaviour sends an extremely negative message which damages the ‘holiday town’ reputation of Burntisland.

“I will continue to do all I can to ensure that the concerns of Burntisland residents are listened to and robustly addressed.”

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Mr Torrance’s call follows news that two teenage boys have been charged after a disturbance in Burntisland at the weekend.

Police were called after reports of a number of youths involved in antisocial behaviour in the Lammerlaws area on Saturday evening.

One 15-year-old boy was charged in connection with vandalism, while another was charged in connection with an assault.

Police say a report will be sent to the Children’s Reporter and Procurator Fiscal.

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Burntisland councillor Kathleen Leslie said: “Unfortunately, there have been far too many incidences of youth antisocial behaviour in Burntisland and other parts of Fife and more needs to be done to tackle these.

“Parents need to ask themselves where their children are in the evenings.

“Incidents like that of Saturday night need to be dealt with by looking at the contributing factors and how to prevent them. That includes a multi-agency approach of schools, communities, police and families.”