Trial set for crash bus driver

Dundee Sheriff CourtDundee Sheriff Court
Dundee Sheriff Court
A bus driver is to stand trial accused of causing a woman serious injury by running a red light before smashing into her.

Andrew Swan is alleged to have been driving a bus “without due care or attention” on North Street, St Andrews, on December 10 last year.

Prosecutors say he failed to observe first an amber, then a red traffic light and failed to slow down or notice Beth Moffat crossing the road.

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Swan (50) is then said to have collided with her, leaving her seriously hurt.

Swan, of Dundee, denies a charge of careless driving on summary complaint.

Solicitor Jim Caird, defending, asked the case be adjourned so the defence could view CCTV footage of the incident.

Sheriff George Way set a trial date in November and a pre-trial hearing in October.