Violent thug sentenced for catalogue of domestic abuse

The case was heard at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.The case was heard at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.
The case was heard at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.
A violent thug has been sentenced for a catalogue of domestic abuse against his former partner.

Jamie Corstorphine’s repeated assaults included dragging the woman out of bed by the hair, spitting on her face and brandishing a knife and baseball bat at her.

Corstorphine (42) met the woman when he was a patient at Stratheden Hospital and she was a nurse there, Dunfermline Sheriff Court heard.

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The offences took place in Markinch and Glenrothes in 2009 to 2010.

On one occasion he burst into her home with a baseball bat, believing she had another male there.

In December, Corstorphine, now of Henderson Street, Edinburgh, admitted four assault charges.

Depute fiscal Claire Bremner previously told the court that the couple met in 2008 at Stratheden Hospital and began an “on/off” relationship with Corstorphine sometimes staying at her home. The depute said that after the violent incidents of 2009 and 2010, the assaults stopped and the couple married in 2012. They had two children together but split up last year and she reported the past offences to the police.

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Defence solicitor David Bell said the relationship between a nurse and patient was “not something that’s allowed”.

Sheriff Charles MacNair imposed a three-year probation order and 270 hours of unpaid work. He warned Corstorphin: “If you commit any further offences you can expect a significant jail sentence.”