Warning after spate of attacks on students in St Andrews

Pic: John DevlinPic: John Devlin
Pic: John Devlin
University students in St Andrews have been urged to stay vigilant after a series of attacks in the town.

The call came from police investigating a number of incidents in recent weeks.

They have stepped up patrols in key areas of the town.

There have been four incidents involving violence against students since mid-October.

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Five people – all aged between 14 and 21 – have been charged in relation to three of them. Inquiries into another assault on South Street on October 13 are ongoing.

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]Sergeant Matt Spencer, of the Community Policing team in St Andrews, said: “Nobody was seriously injured in any of these incidents but understandably they have caused concern among the student population.

“We want to ensure students in St Andrews continue to feel safe while they live and study in the town.

“We are liaising with a number of partners, including the university, student association and local elected members.

“Students should be able to go about their lives without any fear of crime but I would urge people to be vigilant.”

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He added: “Anyone who has any concerns can contact police by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency. Students can also seek advice from appropriate services at the university

“These incidents will not be tolerated by the police. We have increased patrols in key areas and have drawn on additional resources from outwith the area to ensure a visible police presence. We are grateful for the support of the local community while we carry out this work.”