Woman admitted stealing food and drink from Kirkcaldy supermarket

Robertson admitted stealing foodstuffs and drink from Asda in Kirkcaldy.Robertson admitted stealing foodstuffs and drink from Asda in Kirkcaldy.
Robertson admitted stealing foodstuffs and drink from Asda in Kirkcaldy.
A woman who admitted stealing food and drink from a Kirkcaldy supermarket has had her sentence deferred until later this summer.

Kelly Robertson, of Clunie Road, Dunfermline, appeared before Sheriff Alistair Thornton at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court.

Robertson, 28, admitted on October 16, 2020, at Asda superstore in Carberry Road, she and another stole a quantity of foodstuffs and drink to the value of £561.66.

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Sheriff Thornton heard Robertson had pleaded guilty by letter and he opted to defer sentence until August 25.

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