Survey reveals Fifers' concerns over volume of single use plastics

Ian Gulland, Zero Waste ScotlandIan Gulland, Zero Waste Scotland
Ian Gulland, Zero Waste Scotland
More than four fifths of residents in Fife and mid-Scotland are concerned about the volume of single-use items and packaging used across the country.

A new survey commissioned by Zero Waste Scotland said they would support regulations that limit their use.

With an estimated 300 million plastic straws, and 50 million plastic plates used annually in Scotland¹, the poll found that 83% of respondents described themselves as being very or fairly concerned about the amount of items designed to be used once.

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It also revealed that 83% support the introduction of regulations to reduce the use of single-use items and packaging.

The Scottish Government is seeking views on the introduction of new legislation to restrict the supply of single-use plastic items.

Iain Gulland, chief executive of Zero Waste Scotland, said: “Most of us don’t ‘need’ many of these single-use items being consulted on.

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“By choosing reusables over disposables we can still have the benefit without the needless waste and carbon emissions associated with throwaway items.”

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