Fears for man missing for two days

Duncan Sim.Duncan Sim.
Duncan Sim.
Police are appealing for the public's help in order to trace a man missing from Fife.

Duncan Sim (19) was last seen at around 11.15pm on Wednesday 14 March at an event in the Old Station Road area of St Andrews.

Duncan is described as a white male, 6ft tall, of medium build. He has brown hair, green eyes and when last seen was wearing a grey-coloured suit jacket, white shirt, and a blue and white tie.

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He has failed to return to his accommodation or make contact with anyone since this time.

Duncan is originally from the Duns area of the Scottish Borders.

Sergeant Sharon Holmes of Fife Police Division said: “We are growing increasingly concerned for Duncan’s welfare and are eager to trace him as soon as possible.

“I would urge anyone who may have seen Duncan, or a man matching his description, to contact us immediately.

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“In addition, anyone with information that can help us trace his whereabouts is asked to get in touch with us as soon as possible.”

Those with information can contact St Andrews Police Station via 101, quoting incident number 2987 of 15 March.