Fly-tipped mattress almost caused crash on Fife road

Motorists had to drag ther matress off the road.Motorists had to drag ther matress off the road.
Motorists had to drag ther matress off the road.
A motorist has had a narrow escape after high winds blew a disgarded mattress across a Fife road narrowly missing the vehicle and forcing the driver to skid.

Eyewitness Ian Short said the mattress, one of a number of large household items that had been dumped at the side of a country lane just off the A909 in Burntisland, was lifted by the strong gusts without warning.

“It lifted straight up and came across the road, and the driver in front of me was very lucky not to have crashed.

“it could easily have been more serious.”

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Mr Short has slammed irresponsible fly tippers for having dumped a number of large household items, including a chest of draws and a sofa, along the stretch of road for the second time in just a few days.

“It’s the second time this week that stuff has been tipped along here. Who thinks that that type of behviour is acceptable?”

Fife Council officers, who have already uplifted fly tipping from the area, have been informed of the latest incident.

Dawn Jamieson, Safer Communities team manager, said: “There is no excuse for fly-tipping. Anyone dumping waste illegally can be issued a fixed penalty notice of £200. Major offenders may be referred directly to the Procurator Fiscal and could incur fines of up to £40,000.”

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She has urged anyone who witnesses people fly tipping or know of incidents to contact the Council.

You can report fly-tipping online by filling out the form at or by calling 03451 55 00 22.