Here's why Kirkcaldy Lantern Parade started early

The parade gets underway. All pictures by Walter Neilson.The parade gets underway. All pictures by Walter Neilson.
The parade gets underway. All pictures by Walter Neilson.

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The weekend' lantern parade was well-attended once more in Kirkcaldy, as the town's Christmas lights were switched on.

However, the parade began earlier than had been scheduled, with some missing out as a result.

But as ever, the event was a success.

Manager at Kirkcaldy 4 All, Bill Harvey, said: “This is the fifth year we have held this event and it has become a wonderful Kirkcaldy tradition which keeps the magic of the season alive with local children at its heart.

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“I’d like to thank all the children, schools and families who were involved and came along to join in on Saturday.

“We are just sorry that some families sadly missed the parade which set off 8 minutes early led by someone not connected with the organisation of the event.

“Our parade and switch-on are the culmination of many months planning and collaboration between so many partners.

“We work hard to deliver this family-friendly event so we were very upset to hear that some missed out, but hope that they enjoyed the free entertainment up at the Town Square.”

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Kirkcaldy 4 All’s Lantern Parade made its way along the High Street on Saturday, ‘Bringing the Light’ to the darkness of a winter’s night.

The song Bringing The Light was created to celebrate the Christmas lights switch-on in the town in 2014 and has been used every year since.

This year seven Kirkcaldy primary schools were taught the song and had their performances filmed and then projected onto the Town House.

The event saw hundreds of families taking part in the parade, carrying willow lanterns which they had made at free workshops run by Kirkcaldy 4 All at the Mercat Shopping Centre with the help of artist June McEwan of Willow


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Lucy Whitehill, aged 8, who won a Kingdom FM competition to lead the procession joined ‘Drumatik’ drumming band and characters from The Adam Smith Pantomime, Beauty and the Beast, and as the parade made its way through the dark streets the children brought light to their town as Kirkcaldy’s Christmas lights were switched on as they walked by.

When the parade reached the Town Square, Kingdom FM welcomed everyone with some festive tunes, before the square fell silent and Reece Gooderham, Primary 5 pupil at Dysart Primary School, started the Bringing the Light song from a lit window high in the Town House. As the song progressed, the faces of the children from all seven schools were projected in larger than life form on the front of the building.

Once the final chorus was complete, the skies overhead burst into life with a spectacular 6-minute firework display from the roof of the Townhouse.

Looking ahead, On December 1 and 8, Kirkcaldy 4 All and Mercat Shopping Centre are holding Christmas Party Saturdays with free entertainment between 12 noon and 5pm, including street performers, free traditional roast chestnuts, give-aways, face-painters, music and craft workshops.

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Families coming down to the Town Centre are encouraged to don their Christmas jumpers and join in with the party.

Anyone who brings a glass jar and lid along with them can upcycle them into lanterns at craft workshops at the Mercat and glass jars can also be provided on the day so you don’t miss out.

All the entertainment on the party Saturdays is free but there will be collections for Save the Children and the Kirkcaldy Foodbank.

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