Leven could host new festival in 2019

Leven Promenade.Leven Promenade.
Leven Promenade.
A new festival or event could be held in Leven next June '“ now businesses and groups in the area are being urged to come forward with ideas.

Leven Tourist Association is aiming to hold an event next summer. However, it wants to get the community as involved as possible.

The organisation, chaired by chef, author and food ambassador Christopher Trotter, is urging businesses in the area to get in touch and get involved.

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Mr Trotter made the plea during a meeting of local businesses at Truth, where representatives from Crail Food Festival and StAnza spoke about their experiences of running events.

“This is to encourage more people to come to Leven,” Mr Trotter explained. “St Andrews looks after itself, the East Neuk is busy, but people tend to bypass Leven.

“We have a tremendous history and heritage. We need to remind people what an amazing place this is to live in. We need to try and build the confidence and pride in this area.

“We have a great promenade, phenomenal beach, nice spaces. We’ve got the infrastructure.

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“There’s so much potential. It would be great to celebrate where we are.

“We need to celebrate what it means living in Leven.”

Mr Trotter explained that he wanted the community to be involved with the creation of the festival.

The Leven Tourist Association will be meeting in November to formulate a plan and begin the process of finding funding.

He said there was “potential to do something incredible” in the town, and called on local businesses and organisations to get in touch.

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“We can’t do it on our own,” he said. “It’s more about getting the community involved.

“I’m determined that it shouldn’t be a little group of people saying ‘this is what we are going to do’. We need the community to get involved.”

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