Columnist: That get up and go attitude arrived with the sunshine

Even the lawn mower was out of hibernationEven the lawn mower was out of hibernation
Even the lawn mower was out of hibernation
It's interesting how a simple thing like a change of weather can exalt your mood and your feeling of '˜get-up-and-go'. Last weekend, we were treated to a couple of days of calm, still, early spring weather with bright sunshine, making it rather pleasant to be out of doors.

Memories of the stingingly cold, rain-lashed, gale-force windy winter were still fairly fresh, so it felt good to be able to enjoy some nice open-air conditions, with a feeling that, somehow, we deserved it.

I let Saturday drift by in a surfeit of relaxation and laziness but, on Sunday, the chance to get out for a nice amble was too good to miss.

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We found ourselves in Falkland, where we took a stroll along to the Hidden Place, encountering the Mucky Riderz charity cyclists and the Falkland Trail Runners en route, before a very nice lunch at the Pillars of Hercules (where I had never been), a place which appears to have been hollowed out entirely from wood.

A waitress told me the soup of the day was potato, leek and thyme, and I thought she said ‘lime’. Believe me, it was funny if you were there. Then we came home and I brought the lawn mower out of hibernation, giving the grass its first post-winter cut, which, physically, proved a lot easier than I was expecting. So, a surprisingly energetic and enjoyable day – and it was all down to the weather.

Walking the dog: Also in the spirit of trying to be active, I’ve lately been joining my friend Douglas on a night or two per week as he takes his dog for a walk. I don’t even care for canines that much, but this particular one is, well ... the dog’s. I’m quite a fan of walking on my own, but it’s surprising how much more ground you cover and energy you expend by blethering if there’s someone else there.

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