Comment: Be kind , be strong and we can get through lockdown in a dark winter

Candle of hopeCandle of hope
Candle of hope
The joy of the festive season will dim come December 26 as we return into lockdown.

The cost of this hellish, painful pandemic has yet to be calculated.

However much money our Governments can find to throw at businesses to keep them alive, there is a bill to be paid. It is one our children will still be settling for many years to come.

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Getting the balance right between protecting our health, saving our economy and ensuring society pulls through intact has been tougher than anyone could have imagined.

They are so intertwined that we cannot tackle one without impacting on another, but all three have to be wrapped with the greatest care and carried as safely through this winter as possible.

There are just seven days left in 2020 - but it remains a year with no end; one that will continue to cast the longest shadow over the way we live, work and socialise for many years to come.

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Our immediate task is to get through a lockdown in the depths of winter, and, if we do that then, hopefully we can start to see a road back to something close to normality.

The next few weeks will not be easy.

Our hope is that you all find some warmth, comfort and joy this festive season.

It won’t be the one you planned, so, stay strong, find comfort in the silence of the streets and, above all, be kind to each other - and yourself.

Tomorrow there'll be sunshine, and all this darkness past.

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