Hard to get excited about another costly royal wedding

Two people who visited Edinburgh this week. Picture: Lisa FergusonTwo people who visited Edinburgh this week. Picture: Lisa Ferguson
Two people who visited Edinburgh this week. Picture: Lisa Ferguson
When I heard the news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were coming to Edinburgh, I could barely contain my indifference.

I watched with unbated breath as a live blog on a national news site gave intricate details on every moment in the lives of a couple about whom I’d struggle to give a flying fig.

The building anticipation clearly escaped me as it was revealed that crowds had already started gathering on Tuesday morning, at a time when the rest of us were at work.

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And it was with no excitement whatsoever that I learned that two people I’d never meet would visit the fantastic Social Bite.

What better way to counter the negative press around the clearance of homeless people from the area of the wedding, than to visit a sandwich bar which aims to help homeless people. Kind of like Thatcher putting 20p in the tin on the way past a miners’ welfare fundraiser.

I know we’re supposed to be all excited about the royal wedding, but the reality is that living in an age of austerity where the most vulnerable in society often seem to be forgotten about, kind of makes it all just seem a bit much.

Given that a Freedom of Information Request revealed that Prince William’s 2011 royal wedding cost £7.2m of public money in policing alone, you’ve got to wonder if those funds could be better spent.

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As with any normal couple about to walk down the aisle, I’d wish them all the best, but just being a royal won’t buy you any more sentiment than that.

By all means I hope they have a great day, but given the tough situations many people find themselves in today, some of us will struggle to muster any enthusiasm for a royal wedding.