Opinion: We all need to do more to support town's foodbank

Fife Free Press, June 7 2018Fife Free Press, June 7 2018
Fife Free Press, June 7 2018
The lack of support for Kirkcaldy Foodbank is shameful.

Just 0.1 per cent of people make regular donations through standing orders.

That’s 64 people. Barely enough to fill one row of seats in the stand at Stark’s Park.

We must do more.

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The foodbank’s monthly bill for food has rocketed from £3000 to £8000 – an increase which, if it continues, could tip it into crisis later this year.

Without their intervention people could starve.

This is the reality of life in Kirkcaldy in 2018 for people with next to nothing and in desperate need of help that the state once provided.

We must do more for them.

Read More
Foodbank’s monthly bill hits £8000

Many people routinely add a few extra messages to their weekly shopping and drop them into the food bank, and that network of support is vital, but the key to underpinning it is regular financial donations.

We need local businesses to step up and do more here.

And we all need to look at taking out a standing order.
Just £2 per month would make a different – £5 or £10 would be magnificent.

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