Time for action to remove Kirkcaldy eyesore

Victoria Road  power station (Pic: Fife Photo Agency)Victoria Road  power station (Pic: Fife Photo Agency)
Victoria Road power station (Pic: Fife Photo Agency)
The landscape of this town is blighted by far too many eyesores which have been allowed to stand, unloved, for far too long.

Some are down to owners simply doing the bare minimum – others, even less than that – while some cling to parts of our industrial heritage and argue they must be preserved at all costs.

But surely there comes a point where we draw a line in the sand, and decide the old, often derelict buildings just have to go?

Victoria Road is a key corridor into town.

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Nairn’s old factory has gone and the land is zoned for development which would transform the area, bring new vibrancy to it, as well as possible jobs.

Nothing happens quickly in this town, but even the sloth-like pace which seems to smother far too many initiatives can not hold a candle to the power station.

Forty years of nothing pretty much sums up its contribution to the town.

The days when it was a key component which kept the town moving ended generations ago.

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No-one wants it, and all claims over preserving the heritage that remains within it have surely become time-barred.

Surely, it makes sense to get everyone round the table to sort out, once and for all, the fate of the building and start moving towards beginning a new era on the site, and to a defined timescale.

Townscapes change all the time.

We should always think twice before allowing historic landmarks to be erased, but, in this case, all avenues have surely been exhausted.

The power station occupies a huge part of the Victoria Road site which could be put to so many better uses for the greater benefit of the town.

We need that investment.

We need new development.

We need to look to the future.

The power station has stood long enough. Let it go.

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