Outrage at increase in attacks on Fife firefighters

Firefighters attend a fire where old tyres had been deliberately set alight.Firefighters attend a fire where old tyres had been deliberately set alight.
Firefighters attend a fire where old tyres had been deliberately set alight.
A Fife fire officer has warned that attacks on innocent firefighters will not be tolerated after local crews were targeted.

Firefighters attending incidents in the Levenmouth area have come under fire in recent weeks while trying to protect their communities.

The attacks have left Station Manager Steven Michie exasperated and he has warned that the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service will take a zero tolerance approach to such incidents.

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His warning comes as the SFRS launches its hard-hitting #DoNotAttackMe campaign – condemning the abuse of firefighters working hard to protect communities.

Mr Michie said: “Attacks on emergency responders are completely unacceptable and I am sure the public would be outraged by incidents where their firefighters have been targeted while working to protect people and property. This type of behaviour prevents our crews from bringing any emergency to a safe and swift conclusion

“But be left in absolutely no doubt that it is often down to a very small minority of individuals within those communities. With that in mind, I would stress once again that violence against our crews will not be tolerated.”

Some of the incidents have taken place while firefighters attended deliberate fires.

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The Levenmouth area has seen a recent rise in deliberate fires and, in an effort to protect their communities, crews have teamed up with their local partners.

Firefighters have joined forces with the Police Scotland and Fife Council to engage with the community to educate them on the dangers and consequences of recklessly and deliberately setting a fire which can have serious and long-lasting consequences.