Anonymous donor gives NHS Fife £500,000

Tricia Marwick, NHS Fife chairman (Pic: George McLuskie)Tricia Marwick, NHS Fife chairman (Pic: George McLuskie)
Tricia Marwick, NHS Fife chairman (Pic: George McLuskie)
Money to be spent supporting patients and staff

The remarkable donation £500,000 donation came to Fife Health Board Endowment Fund to support patients and healthcare staff in the efforts to tackle coronavirus in the Kingdom.

The benefactor, who wants to remain anonymous, asked the funds be used immediately in providing additional support for patients and the healthcare staff working tirelessly to care for them.

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The board’s trustees held a virtual meeting today to discuss the donation, and an announcement will be made shortly on how it will be used.

Tricia Marwick, who chairs the board, as well as Fife Health Board, described the donation as “a breathtaking act of generosity.”

She added: “This will make such a difference to patients in Fife, and the healthcare staff working tirelessly to care for them.

“From the outset of this pandemic we have sought to support patients and staff in any way that we can. This donation will enable us to expand this support much further at a time when it is needed most.”

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Mrs Marwick described public support as “overwhelming” as health services work round the clock to deal with the impact of coronavirus.

She said: “The generosity of local people, whether from individuals or local businesses, has been overwhelming. We are blown away by the support we have received, and continue to receive.

“This support has been very much appreciated by our healthcare staff and provided great comfort as they go about providing the best care they can for local people here in Fife.”

Fife Health Board Endowment Fund is a registered charity which funds a range of initiatives to benefit the patients, carers and staff of NHS Fife.

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The charity is funded entirely through donations and supports programmes aimed at health improvement and disease prevention.

The Endowment Fund is separate to Fife Health Board and its monies cannot be used to provide core health services.

In the last five years, the Fife Health Board Endowment Fund has allocated over £4m towards its charitable objectives.

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