Fundraiser launched to thank Methil shop owner

One Stop Shop Premier store in Methil. Pic: Google.One Stop Shop Premier store in Methil. Pic: Google.
One Stop Shop Premier store in Methil. Pic: Google.
A fundraising campaign has been started as a thank you to a popular Methil shop owner who supports the community.

Faz Latif, owner of the Premier One Stop Shop, has been helping during the lockdown, including delivering items to people who can not get to his shop. In the past, he has also given out free breakfast rolls and fruit to local school kids.

It is gestures like these, as well as his positive Facebook posts, that have made Faz such a popular local figure – and now the community wants to say thank you.

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A fundraising campaign was started earlier this month, with donors already giving £610 at the time of writing.

Donors have praised Faz, calling him ‘one in a million’ and highlighting the ‘amazing work’ he does in the area.

Linsey Brown said she was inspired to do something to thank Faz after thinking of all the work he does.

She put up a post on social media asking for suggestions, when someone put forward the idea of a fundraiser.

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“For years I’ve seen all the different things he’s done,” Linsey said.

“He is unbelievably kind and cares for people. He just thinks of others all the time and we wanted to show that he is appreciated for everything that he does. What a gem of a man. I think we are lucky to have him.”

Linsey hopes the money could be used to do up the shop or help cover the costs of using the van.

It is not the first time Faz’s work in the area has earned him praise. Earlier this year he was one of the local people shortlisted for the Community Champion award, organised by the Rotary Club of Buckhaven and Methil.

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Linsey has also suggested that people nominate Faz for an award at the Kingdom FM Local Hero Awards, with the nominations due to close next month –

“He’s got a heart of gold,” added Linsey. “If the world had more people like him, what a world it would be.”

To back the fundraiser, visit

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