Twelve more positive COVID tests linked to Amazon plant in Fife

Amazon's fulfilment centre in DunfermlineAmazon's fulfilment centre in Dunfermline
Amazon's fulfilment centre in Dunfermline
Contacts are being traced

Twelve more positive COVID cases have been linked to Amazon’s giant facility in Fife.

It takes the total number to 15, according to NHS Fife.

All positive cases from the Amazon Fulfilment Centre in Dunfermline are experiencing mild symptoms and are isolating at home with other household members.

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Contact tracers from the Test and Protect Team are in the process of identifying and tracing the known contacts of the positive cases to provide public health support and advice.

The Incident Management Team is currently looking into any potential link between the cases, but, there is no evidence at this stage to suggest any wide-spread transmission of the virus amongst staff working at the facility.

Anyone who develops symptoms - fever, or a loss or change in taste or smell; or a new and continuous cough, - should arrange a test via the UK Government Citizens’ Portal on 0800 028 2816.

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