Fife councillors condemn Boris Johnson’s ‘flippant’ language

Boris Johnson (Pic: Dave Walsh)Boris Johnson (Pic: Dave Walsh)
Boris Johnson (Pic: Dave Walsh)
Fife councillors have  joined the chorus of condemnation over the language used by  Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, in the House of Commons

At the full council meeting on Thursday, councillors expressed their shock and disgust at hgis lack of apology after he told one MP that her concerns about aggressive language fuelling violence were “humbug”.

During a debate about no deal Brexit, council Labour co-leader David Ross proposed an addition to a motion from Liberal Democrats and SNP, to vote against leaving the EU without a deal.

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He added: “Having watched the performance –  I hesitate to call him our Prime Minister –  this council condemns the use of flippant language that is whipping up division in our society and creating an environment that encourages hate speech, verbal abuse and the threat of physical violence.”

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He continued: “I don’t think we can accept what happened in parliament and we need to record our condemnation of that.”

SNP co-leader David Alexander called the use of language “an absolute disgrace”, adding: “There was no concern to the friends of an MP who was murdered. That’s the new Prime Minister we have.”

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Cllr Mary Lockhart said: “What has got to all of us, who are decent and reasonable people in this chamber, is his complete failure to be in any sense apologetic for his giving wrong advice to her majesty.

“He sought to divide parliament, the people of the UK, he was offensive in his response to the member of parliament – herself suffering death threats at the moment – about the murder of Jo Cox.

“‘Humbug’ – that was his response. No decent person, political or not, and no councillor should be voting against condemnation of such abuse.”