MP launches office in High Street to support Kirkcaldy town centre

Neale Hanvey MP outside his constituency office in Kirkcaldy High StreetNeale Hanvey MP outside his constituency office in Kirkcaldy High Street
Neale Hanvey MP outside his constituency office in Kirkcaldy High Street
Kirkcaldy MP Neale Hanvey is the latest new face on the town’s High Street.

He has opened his constituency office in what was the old Early Learning Centre in the pedestrianised zone.

While the office remains closed in line with public health guidance, the MP was keen to demonstrate his commitment to the town centre by pushing ahead with the move.

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He said: “There was simply no question, my office had to be on the High Street. It was one clear way that I could demonstrate my firm commitment to the town centre.

“While the office must remain closed at the moment, I was really keen to get the signage up to show everyone that we’re here and ready to welcome people as soon as public-health guidance allows.

“That will mean more folk coming on to the High Street, which can only be a good thing for the local traders.”

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Mr Hanvey has championed the town centre since taking office - and believes it is on the way back after some tough years.

“We talk a lot about the need to revive the town centre.

“Yes, it needs investment, but there was a real buzz about the place when I was there to see the new signage and visit the market.

“The High Street was packed, there are new businesses popping up all over the place, and there seems to be a lot of goodwill from the public.

“Challenges remain around parking, the general state of some buildings, and simply the length of the street, but things are moving in the right direction”

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