Six charged with drink-driving in Fife

Six motorists were caught over the alcohol limit in Fife over the past few days.Six motorists were caught over the alcohol limit in Fife over the past few days.
Six motorists were caught over the alcohol limit in Fife over the past few days.
Police in Levenmouth and north east Fife have detected six people for drink driving over the past few days.

Five men, aged 21, 25, 29, 39 and 52, as well as a 31-year-old female, will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

North east Fife ward sergeant Pat Turner said: “I am disappointed that so many people have chosen to drink and drive and ignore the law.

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“We are very clear about our responsibility to keep people safe. Police Scotland officers locally and nationally will continue to target those who put the public in danger by ignoring the prescribed limits.

“The consequences of driving under the influence can be and are often horrific. I would urge all drivers to think before getting behind the wheel and to be aware that the only safe alcohol limit while driving is zero.”

Anyone with information in relation to persons who drink and drive are urged to contact Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.