Supporters of sacked postie Dave stage silent protest

Dave Mitchell (centre) with some of his supporters at the silent protest outside the Cupar sorting office.Dave Mitchell (centre) with some of his supporters at the silent protest outside the Cupar sorting office.
Dave Mitchell (centre) with some of his supporters at the silent protest outside the Cupar sorting office.
Supporters of sacked Cupar postman Dave Mitchell were out in protest in Cupar again last weekend.

A group of colleagues and friends staged a silent protest outside the local sorting office, holding up placards which narrated the chain of events which led to Mr Mitchell’s stand-off with the Royal Mail.

Mr Mitchell had 27 years’ service as a postman before he was sacked in 2014 after test items allegedly went missing. No evidence was found despite Mr Mitchell, his home, car and van being searched by the Royal Mail investigation bureau.

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The company has consistently refused to reinstate Mr Mitchell despite a ruling from an employment tribunal.

However, Mr Mitchell, has maintained his innocence and said he wants his job back: “I miss the people I used to deliver to for 17 years,” he said.

“The Royal Mail has ruined my life. It is terrible that they can sack a man after 27 years service without evidence – it is unbearable. I am determined to get justice.”

He added that he was pleased by the numbers who had joined the weekend protest.

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However, the Royal Mail reiterated that the company would not give Mr Mitchell his job back: “We will not reinstate Mr Mitchell,” a spokesman said.

Now members of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) are being balloted on strike action by postmen in several postcode areas across Scotland, and the Royal Mail was quick to respond, writing to postmen in the area.

A spokesman for the company said that it was normal practice to talk to their people about such action, but commented: “Royal Mail is disappointed that the CWU has announced plans to ballot around 2500 members across four postcodes in the east of Scotland on industrial action over an employment tribunal case. We are continuing to talk to our people and unions about this matter. A ballot for industrial action does not mean that any action will take place.”

The spokesman added: “We would urge anyone considering voting for strike action to consider that any action, or the threat of disruption, is damaging to our business.”

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And local MP Stephen Gethins has written to the Prime Minister over the issue, calling on him to look in to it as a matter or urgency. “This is also about more than one man; it’s about fairness and about respect for Employment Law,” he commented.