Fears Kinghorn road closure could be extended into May

Lovell's are pushing for a longer closure.Lovell's are pushing for a longer closure.
Lovell's are pushing for a longer closure.
There are fears the controversial closure of a busy Fife coastal route could now extend to the end of May.

Developer Lovell’s, who had already been granted a five day extension to a 14 week planned closure of the busy B923 arterial route between Kinghorn and Burntisland, have now informed Fife Council that work will not be completed by the April 30 deadline.

In a memo to councillors, transportation officers have advised them to inform those likely to be affected by the situation and say that a revised deadline will be advised when known.

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The news has been met with anger by many in the community, Cllr Kathleen Leslie said: “Lovell has, unsurprisingly, stated that the road will not be open by April 30 and it appears Fife Council’s Transportation Services are completely powerless to do anything about this.

Councillors had a meeting with transportation in December when we were assured that the closure would only be until mid-April.

“My understanding is this is part of a legal process and this has to be complied with. “However, it has also come to light that the developer has requested a date of opening of May 17.”

“When this development was approved no mention of a road closure was made and in December I asked the administration if potential road closures should be built into planning procedures in the future, and was given no straight answer.

“The failure of Fife Council to ensure that such a closure for an extended period of time did not happen serves as a lesson to future planning requests.”