£10m for Levenmouth rail economic study

Leven rail - mock-up sign for station community is campaigning forLeven rail - mock-up sign for station community is campaigning for
Leven rail - mock-up sign for station community is campaigning for
Fife Council and the Scottish Government have committed £5m to a new study to  understand how the Levenmouth rail project will help the area’s economy.

Levenmouth Reconnected Blueprint will look at ways that the new rail could help open up the  area to both developers and eventually freight transport.

Councillor David Graham said: “As a resident of Levenmouth for most of my life, I was delighted to hear the announcement that the Levenmouth Rail Link would be reopened.

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“The Levenmouth Blueprint process is an excellent opportunity to involve the local community and no better organisation than the Levenmouth Rail Campaign which has fought so hard for this result.”

A working group is to be set up, which will see a mix of council officers and stakeholders give their views on the best way to develop the area.

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At the policy and co-ordination committee on Thursday, Liberal Democrat councillor Donald Lothian said: “It is more than just a railway line, it is a lifeline to help an area that is geographically remote. This is really good for Fife and really good for all of us.”

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Labour’s Altany Craik agreed, adding: “It’s not often something gets cross party support – but it does have to be about more than just a rail link.

“It’s about the transformation of the area. We need to take it in a much wider view to make sure we get all the wider economic benefits.”

Cllr David Alexander, SNP,  said: “I was probably the last person in this room to get on a train at Windygates. I can’t wait for the day that I’m able to get on a train at Windygates again.”