Three cars written off outside Fife home because of speeding drivers

Wellesley Road.Wellesley Road.
Wellesley Road.
Three vehicles have been written off outside just one Methil house because of speeding drivers.

That is according to its owner, John Malcolm, who has called for traffic calming measures on Wellesley Road to make drivers slow down.

The last incident happened a couple of years ago and saw his son’s car written off.

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“It’s unbelievable,” John told the Mail. “We get a lot of motorbikes and they are going like hell.

“Nothing gets done and it’s so frustrating. The speeding issue is a nightmare. Very few people stick to the speed limit out her. I’m not the only one who has complained. We’ve all complained about it.”

One neighbour, who wished to remain anonymous, said the problem had got worse over the last five years.

“It has gotten worse recently,” she said. “I hear them going past because the engines are so loud.”

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One change that has not helped, said John, is the removal of the humps at the mini roundabouts at the junctions of Barrie Street and Memorial Road. Following road works, the humps were removed.

Fife Council confirmed it has planned to raise the centre circles of the mini roundabouts again during the October holidays.

John’s comments came a week after councillors Ken Caldwell and John O’Brien raised concerns about drivers speeding along the road.

The councillors warned that someone could be injured or even killed if action was not taken to address the problem.

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They both urged drivers to slow down when going along the road.

Police Scotland said it had received 21 complaints about road safety in the area in the last year.

Fife Council is to carry out speed surveys on the road. The results of this will be used to determine what, if any, speed reduction methods are put in place on Wellesley Road.

Police Scotland said it would continued to deploy community officers with a speed gun.

People wishing to report road traffic offences should call 101.