Parking changes to Fife High Street

Leslie High StreetLeslie High Street
Leslie High Street
Good news - some restrictions are being removed

Changes to parking on Leslie High Street will soon come into affect.

Currently, bays on Murray Place and North Street, near the Greenside Hotel, are on 30 minute limited waiting restrictions between 8:00am and 8:00pm Monday to Saturday.

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A trial was held in September 2018 when those restrictions were removed.

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A consultation with businesses and residents found that 80 per cent were in favour of making the changes permanent.

In addition , no waiting restrictions will be placed on Barony Place and North Street at the junctions with the High Street to increase visibility along the road.

At the Glenrothes area committee on Wednesday, Cllr John Beare asked: “The 10m no parking at the junction, there are we just reinforcing what is said in the highway code?”

A council transport representative said: “The double yellow lines are just there to reinforce where people shouldn’t be parking.”

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