Thundersnow to frozen waves: crazy weather phenomena caught on camera

As the Beast from the East holds its grip on the nation, a number of freaky weather phenomena have been caught on camera.

Social media users have reported a number of strange episodes of bizarre weather, including thunder snow and freezing rain.

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Thunder snow

A number of incidents of thundersnow have been recorded by Twitter users.

Thundersnow is an unusual weather event where snow falls as the primary precipitation during a thunderstorm.

Typically this occurs in an area of strong upward motion within the cold sector of a storm.

Unusually the thunder is often silent due to the acoustic dampening effects of the snow.

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Twitter user @AberJohnny filmed the rare phenomena from their house in Denny, Central Scotland.

— Flipper the Snowman Priest (@AberJohnny) February 28, 2018

@Suzi_Anne filmed the rare weather event from her home in Stenhousemuir.

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@SeanBattySTV #thundersnow in Stenhousemuir, Falkirk ⚡️❄️😱

— suzanne steven (@suzi_anne) February 28, 2018

Falkirk in central Scotland appeared to bear the brunt of the thunder snow storm, with Robert Peden capturing this footage.