Outrage over damage to grass near Ibrox Disaster memorial

The Markinch
tribute to the Ibrox DisasterThe Markinch
tribute to the Ibrox Disaster
The Markinch tribute to the Ibrox Disaster
Damage to the area around the Markinch memorial to five teenagers killed in the Ibrox Disaster has been criticised.

Peter Easton (13), Douglas Morrison (14), Ronald Paton (14), Mason Philip (15) and Bryan Todd (14) lost their lives on January 2, 1971.

Deep tyre tracks being discovered on the lawn mere feet away has caused outrage locally.

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Shane Fenton, who was also at Ibrox that fateful day and regularly tends to the area, believes contractors are to blame.

He said: “Whoever is responsible has absolutely no regard for the memorial and what it stands for.

“It’s not as if they could have missed it as they’ve driven their vans just a few feet from it.

“Their laziness has now caused unsightly damage which will take months to grow back and many people have already complained to me about it.

“Many people, particularly during January, attend to pay respects and I can’t imagine what they think seeing the state of the ground.”