Bill leads the Haddie shoal home at St Andrews

Jacqui McDonald and Ross Young after their triathlon.Jacqui McDonald and Ross Young after their triathlon.
Jacqui McDonald and Ross Young after their triathlon.
Last Wednesday saw the start of the Fife AC midweek series beginning with the St Andrews 5k, taking in the grounds of the university playing fields.

Bill Simpson was first Anster Haddie home in a time of 23.39, followed fresh from the Manchester marathon Robyn Mcdonald 24.42 and Fiona Cruickshanks 24.43.

Saturday saw a large turnout of Haddies at St Andrews Parkrun.

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Over the 5k distance Eck Anderson was first Haddie in 19.37, Eric Anderson 21.40, Mike Reilly 21.43, Jaz Hay 23.30, Robyn Mcdonald 24.14 course PB, Fiona Cruickshanks 24.17, Chloe Herd ran a PB of 24.59, Joe Swankie 25.21, Yvonne Dehn 25.42, Ross Young 25.44 and Jacqui Mcdonald 32.27.

Bill Simpson travelled to Loch Leven Parkrun and ran 24.06 while at Beveridge Park Jas Baillie ran 20.55.

Down Under Duncan Hall continues to improve with a time of 19.39 at the Highlands Parkrun Melbourne.

Sunday saw Haddie junior Oscar Burgess take part in the Junior 2k while Dad Davie Burgess ran only his second race of the year at the Round the Houses 10k at Grangemouth, running 40.58.

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Over the same distance Lynne Herd took part in the Brighton 10k and ran a PB with a time of 47.07.

The Angus Half marathon saw Haddie Mike Reilly running a distance PB with a time of 1.28.10, and continuing the PB theme Eric Anderson ran 1.29.10 at the Livingston Half Marathon.

A change in sports saw Ross Young and Jacqui Mcdonald taking part in the East Fife triathlon a 750 metre swim a 24k cycle and 4.9k run.

Ross came in a time of 1.44.33 followed close behind by Jacqui in 1.47.52.

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Training continues this week on Wednesday night at 6.30 pm meeting at the cemetery car park where all new runners are welcome to join the club.

All Anster Haddie information can be found at